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Jul 25, 2017
Cargo to Pakistan

Movements of cargo vessels are affected badly due to heavy showers and thunder storms

The cargo business of south Asia is affected by Monsoon

As we discussed several times that weathers are important for transportation and cargo business. It is a universal truth that in front of nature, mankind is helpless. It can stop the whole activity of life. Rainy season in South Asia is called Monsoon. It is a season in which rains grasp the whole region in their grip. The routine of life affects badly. Transportation of goods and cargo business decreases at once and touches its bottom line. For cargo companies, this is the toughest season in the whole year to survive with. There are several forecast precautions and measures, taken before the rainy season starts but nature is powerful and furious.

Air cargo is also disturbed due to heavy rains

Air cargo is the fastest medium to transport goods from one region of the world to the other region, but in the rainy season in South Asia, cargo flights are affected mostly due to heavy storms and rains.

Several Cargo and passengers flights might be canceled or postponed due to bad weather or heavy shower in a day. This has a bad impact on the economy of the country. In South Asia, it is as merciless for the countries of sub-continent as winter season in Europe or other countries of the world. Air traffic is restricted to limit flights just in these days.

Road cargo networks are closed due to land sliding in different areas of the countries due to heavy rains

Especially in Pakistan, cargo business is dealt by using road networks. In this season land sliding in different areas of the country is very common. It is a very dangerous thing and engulfs thousands of lives every year. Transportation of cargo goods via roads becomes dangerous and risky in these days.

Cargo companies restrict their work due to unavailability of proper carriage for loading and unloading. To avoid damages, they simply refuse to book the cargo. By this, business goes down, though it is a matter of two and half months it affects a lot.

Monsoon comes with heavy rains in Sub-continent and disturbs the whole cargo network

In sub-continent, especially in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh Monsoon comes with thunder storms and heavy rains. The transportation department is victimized completely of this season.

Carriage vehicle, cargo flights, and sea vessels are restricted to move ahead without any caution. The economy of the country shakes a little bit in these days. It is the direct impact of the weather on the business, especially on cargo business of sub-continent.

Oceanic cargo movements are affected the most by this weather

Heavy Sea storms take place in this season in South Asia region. High alert precautions are on air to avoid any bad incident with cargo vessels in the open sea.

Cargo vessels travel, if possible, under high alert mode. It is dangerous and full of risk so cargo companies and the owner companies of containers and vessels reduce movement in open sea, especially in South Asia region. Monsoon has its effect on each and every business of Sub-continent, on cargo or transportation business it is the most.

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