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Jul 29, 2017
Pakistan Cargo Industry

Encouragement from official departments to increase trade volume

The backbone of every economy is its international trade and UK after leaving single market benefits of Europe giving due attention to secure local industry by engaging in new trade agreements with countries like Pakistan. Growing economy with political stability has developed this South Asian nation into a good destination for many renowned brands of the world. In a year or so, there have been many similar statements by UK authorities pertaining claims of giving more attention to trade ties with the sixth most populated country in the world.

Results of this persistent stance can be seen on grounds as big names of British markets are coming to this country and it could be seen as a beginning of new era of bilateral economic relations. To cater demands of this big population, extra investment is being made in UK based companies that are interested in exporting to Pakistan.

Circumstances are favorable for business community

To make the presence felt in all big cities, more staff has been appointed to trade team established for this purpose. New Deputy Director for Trade in Pakistan has recently been appointed to take this process to next level by identifying the ways to exploit the potential of this market, particularly for foreign products. In the start, the focus would remain on assisting companies already engaged in Exporting Cargo to Pakistan from UK. With this encouragement, new businessmen would also start thinking of this destination for their items. The range of sectors has stretched further in recent years due to efforts at all levels as well as the increase in per capita income of the local population.

Markets of Pakistan have potential for UK products

With knowledge of the social structure of a country and of majority age group of the population, the companies manage to foresee response for their products. Knowing in advance is always helpful to minimize chances of failure. Ties among the people of two nations are centuries old and communication is not an issue because the English language is largely understood by people of both sides.

These ground realities are also paving the way to establish renewed strong relations in trade and other fields. After winning the trust of big UK companies, there are strong chances of increase in exports of English products to markets of big cities of this country. This would definitely enhance Sea Cargo activity on ports of these two nations.

Cargo companies are making export easier

The role of cargo companies is also very important in exporting items from the United Kingdom to Pakistan. A good number of freight forwarders available for this particular destination in many cities of Britain. These service providers have a proper acquaintance of not only procedures of exporting but are also well aware of customs and tariffs imposed by the destination country. Both countries had a shared past and there is a belief on both sides that they would have a shared future as well.

The new team members for trade development are quite hopeful to deliver up to expectations. Provision of data to analyze success rate of products is also part of future plans about assistance.

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