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Jan 19, 2016

It is confirmed that the Paris Agreement will impact on the cargo operations in the world, but the impact of this agreement is still to be determined

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was completed in December last year in the French capital city Paris. This convention has put a lot on the line from supply chain management and cargo delivery operations in the world. It even puts  the transportation mode in the line of judgement to consider as the reasons for the global warming and sources of strong carbon emissions.

What is Paris Agreement?

The Paris Agreement was all about the Global Warming, its key aspects, sources and ways to reduce the carbon emissions. There were 186 countries participating in the United Nations Framework Convention in Paris.

The convention asks the participants to offer up their plans on how to reduce the carbon emissions through 2025 to 2030, with the major objective to reduce the carbon footprints by half as they are now.

How to reconvene the Agreement?

With the major objective to cut the emissions to half current levels, countries are required to ward off the effects of the global warming in their respective countries and the industry they are dealing in, the main emphasis has been put on the cargo sector,where cargo ships are pointed out as the major source of carbon dioxide.

The convention has asked the countries to reconvene every five years with the tips and plans to reduce the emissions, countries legally required to publicly report their efforts that how they are cutting the carbon emissions from every sector. Using the Universal accounting and monitoring system, countries will monitor their progress.

But even though, supply chain, cargo and logistics are not directly cited in the agreement, doesn’t mean that the sectors are exempt from the regulations. It will be equally important for the stakeholders of cargo industry to give attention to their part in the global warming.

But even though supply chain and logistics are not directly cited in the agreement does not mean stakeholders are not paying attention and are not cognizant of the importance of doing their part either.

What the experts said?

The experts are also judging the situation very closely and said that there are several pathways to follow which can evolve with the agreement to reduce the carbon footprints. One of the best way is that the cargo companies should act as being more proactive in either way, adaptation or mitigation, the majority of cargo operations must be dealt proactively.

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