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Mar 9, 2016
cyber attacks

International sea cargo shipping is facing a lot of challenges, piracy and cyber attacks have become a serious threat for the marine cargo shipping.

To stop the piracy and cyber attacks from the international cargo shipping the cyber security is a matter of concern.

The marine cargo shipping is a crucial and reliable source of global shipping, but due to the increasing number of the cyber attacks the marine industry is facing many challenges. To stop the cyber risk is a big challenge for the marine industry. Despite of the safety and security of the ships cyber attack is a serious threat for the ocean shipping.

Many precautionary measures have been done for the stoppage of the pirates risk, but in spite of all technical and non technical methods cyber attacks are a monstrous challenge for the international marine industry. Many container carriers stand  at the threshold of the risk due to increased piracy.

RecentlyIMO (international maritime organization) and US GAO have raised the issue regarding cybersecurity awareness throughout the marine industry. But the marine pirates are also using technology for the robbing of ships and to drive the threats and the cost of cyber risk. Cyber attackers hack the encrypting information which is necessary for the navigation of the ship and then demand for a big ransom.

The cyber attackers and the pirates are in fact the enemies of the mankind.Cyber attacks are unstoppable.Cyber attack is a dangerous virus which is an insoluble challenge for the marine cargo shipping. There is no way to stop the cyber attacks completely. But the serious threat of cyber attacks can be decreased by adopting  a solid strategy.

Targeting area of Cyber attackers

One of the cyber attacks cargo shipper is powerless against phishing and permitting the other cyber attackeraccess to the crucial information about shipping handling. The cyber attackers also affect many others within the sea cargo shipping.

The cyber attackers target the shippers, ports and the freight forwarders. To decrease the threat of the cyber attacks a strong cyber security is required for the shipping industry.

Ancient belief about cyber hacking

Cyber attack and piracy is a genuine challenge for the marine industry. Cyber hacking is not a modern war, it is an ancient challenge.

A couple of years ago, it was thought that military hackers in China had brought about serious cyber attacks against a US Defence Departmaent’s ship, which was a commercial ship contracted by the government of the United States.

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