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Feb 19, 2018
Crops of Pakistan

Pakistan has major and bumper seasonal crops, which have their effect in international market

Major crops of Pakistan make huge cargo business waves in local markets and international markets as well

Agricultural countries of this world depend upon their agriculture to run their economy and agriculture of any country is based on its major crops. Seasonal and major crops earn a lot for the county and for the native as well. Major crops of Pakistan are a good source of creating of Sea and Air Cargo activity of the country inland and internationally a well. Pakistan is an agricultural land with vast plain and cultivated area.

Its major crops are potatoes, cotton, rice, maize and wheat. Fruits of Pakistan are its major source to earn foreign exchange in this connection. Pakistan is a big source of raw material for different countries and it is a good market for cotton clothing used in the rest of the world especially Europe and UK. Cotton industry of Pakistan makes and contributes good share in foreign exchange, Pakistan earns through different natural sources.

Seasonal crops generate cargo waves

Seasonal crops of Pakistan give huge Cargo Business waves to inland cargo transporters along with international cargo movement as well. Inland cargo transportation during wheat, rice, cotton, sugar cane and maize harvesting season is at peak.

This inland cargo activity has effects on international cargo transportation of Pakistan. Products of Pakistan have great demand in the rest of the world and to fulfill the international orders products travel all over the world from the harbors, airports and railway networks of Pakistan and become a great source of foreign exchange for the country.

Prosperity of agricultural country is based on major crops and cargo activity

As Pakistan is an agricultural country and its economy is based upon major crops at grass route level. These crops are the real reason to move the wheel of the industry of the country. The prosperity of an agricultural land like Pakistan depends upon its major crops and their movement accordingly to the need of the hour.

Cultivation and agriculture of Punjab are famous in all over the world and when products of this province come into the market locally or internationally flow of cargo activity has sudden changes and moves directly to the skies. This cargo business wave is because of the products of Punjab. Its effects can be seen across the borders when Pakistani crops reach Europe or UK or in rest of the world as raw material or in different shapes of products, produced by the industry of Pakistan by using these crops.

Foreign policies of Pakistan level the ground for its cargo activity

The foreign policy of any country is very important to make agreements and decisions regarding cargo connectives with rest of the world, so policies of Pakistan are of great importance in this connection to grab the international clients for its products and crops.

Foreign policies of Pakistan give better future to its local farmer and to its crops in this connection by signing different agreements with the outer world. In this reference Government of Pakistan plays its role effectively to give education to local farmers about different international demands.

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